Call (630) 995-5176  For more information    

Providing Protection From Dying Too Soon Or Living Too Long

Robert Downes is a Certified Financial Fiduciary residing in Northern Illinois. His specialty is tax reduction and retirement planning with no loss exposure and no fees. For the business owner, personalized tax reduction is key to increasing revenue and boosting profits. 

We believe a Successful Retirement covers basic expenses with guaranteed lifetime income, optimizes the balance of savings to address inflation, plans for Long Term Care incidents, and uses permanent life insurance as the most efficient way to transfer wealth to family and charities.

Since 1989 Robert has provided knowledgeable and compassionate service to business owners and their families throughout the country. By promoting financial literacy with comprehensive and unbiased education he has helped many families take control of their financial future and improve their quality of life.

Robert’s team consists of CPAs, Actuaries, Attorneys, CFPs, and RIAs, who are all skilled technicians in their arenas of expertise. Protecting the client’s best interests is our focus, with no shortcuts.

He enjoys walking, resistance training, watching old movies, playing backgammon with his incredibly competitive wife of 30+ years, spending time with his grandson, and helping people with their addiction issues.

We believe goals become irrelevant if you do not carefully plan, execute and remain focused until completion.

Call us and tell us your goals, passions and struggles. We will help you to plan your work, work your plan, and reap the harvest!

We are tax planners, not tax preparers.  

What makes us different is we reduce current and future tax liability by using advanced tax strategies and redirecting the savings into guaranteed retirement planning. Request a second opinion from us and receive valid, accurate, and numerical remedies to your retirement plan’s deficiencies. 

The Great American Debt Crisis prevents many people from entering retirement debt free. Clients using our Debt To Wealth pay-off method  are debt free, including options for no mortgage, 2-3x faster than their current plan, with no additional money, no refinancing, no consolidation, and no investing.  U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time 

Some Examples of What We Offer

1. Guaranteed income for life that does not end. Only 3 options meet this need: Social Security, Pension, and Annuity. Failure of Retirement Income Portfolios occurs when market losses, withdrawals and fees overwhelm the momentum created by positive returns.

2. Alternatives with no-loss exposure, no-fees, and robust indexed crediting that participate in market gains, without market losses.  Tax-Free or Tax-Deferred accounts are available.

3. Multiple Roth Conversion strategies with no out-of-pocket cost.

4. Multiple Capital Gains Tax Deferral strategies for real estate and businesses. View this 2-minute video as an example.   

Joan’s Story Real Estate Structured Installment Sale Cap Gains Deferral 

5. Cash Balance Defined Benefit Pension Plans that yield six figure tax deductions with no fee and no loss account
accumulation.  Squeeze 20-30 years of savings into 10 years or less.  Deposit 3-4 times the dollar limit of other retirement plans such as 401k plans and enjoy greatly increased retirement savings. Cash Balance Plan Educational 5 Minute Video – Google Drive

6. Become your own bank with high cash value banking policies that provide tax-free accumulation and distribution. Your banking policy allows for loans with and without repayment. 

7. Section 125 Affordable Care Act No Cost Wellness Benefits Including Whole Life Insurance. School districts, auto dealers, and other businesses experience three main benefits with this employee retention plan: 

A. Tax credit generated $ provides wellness benefits with whole life insurance (Valuable for the many underinsured wage earners).

B. No cost to employer nor employee (Same take home paycheck). 

C. Average annual employer tax savings is $500 per employee.

8. Robert Downes Instant Decision Term Insurance Up To $2M Ages 18-60 

Get instant protection from dying too soon. 15 minutes is all it takes for your quote and immediate coverage.

Contact Us For Resources

  • Why Mutual Funds Make Lousy Long Term Investments
  • Understanding Indexing and Participating In Market Gains Without Market Losses
  • Life Insurance With Living Benefits Covers Disability and Death In One Policy
  • Most Frequent Business Owner Retirement Planning Mistakes
  • Financial Risk Spectrum
  • Business Owner Exit Planning
  • Retirement Planning Options
  • Retirement Plan Contribution Limits By Plan Type
  • Alternative Tax Advantaged Plans
  • Tax Free Retirement and Legacy
  • Legal Reserve System For The Insurance Industry


 Robert Downes       

 JC King Insurance Services, Inc.


 Phone: (630) 995-5176

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